Friday, February 22, 2013

A Good Day To Die Hard

Ok here we go.
Die Hard is the franchise that will not die and this version is like Blade Runner Oscar Pistorius on his last legs. John McClaine has a son and he goes to Russia to help him?! They couldn't come up with a better script? Did Bruce Willis just want to get a free vacation to Russia? Because that's what it feels like. He even says that in the movie. Repeatedly. They released this movie during the lowest premiere season of the year because this would not hold up to all the great action movies coming out this summer (GI Joe, Fast & The Furious 6, Iron Man 3, etc.)
So do not expect this movie to come close to the prior Die Hard movies. This was a big miss. Similar to Sex and the City 2.
The ending of the movie when the villains try to kill Bruce and his son is ludicrous!!
After seeing this sorry excuse for an action movie I returned home and Die Hard 4 was playing on USA Network. Die Hard 4 was OK but after seeing Die Hard 5 seeing Die Hard 4 again with constant commercials was exciting. I even forgot that Justified's Timothy Olyphant was the villain. He was excellent.
So in conclusion DO NOT GO TO SEE THIS CRAP!

Here are the rankings of the best Die Hard movies:
1) Die Hard #1 (Bruce Willis becomes an action star. It also had a GREAT villain.)
2) Die Hard #3 (Samuel Jackson, Bruce Willis, and NYC you can't go wrong.)
3) Die Hard # 4 (crisp and current. Olyphant and the Asian chick that Willis shoves down an elevator with an SUV. Great scene!)
4) Die Hard #2 ( silly airport action but better than Die Hard #5)

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