Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Heat

This is the summer of numerous Tentpole movies (big budget bombs) from the studios and not enough time to see them if you wanted to. I just got around to seeing The Heat and I enjoyed it.
The movie is a girl buddy cop flick and stars Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy. The story is about an uptight FBI Special Agent, Bullock, who is paired with a foul-mouthed Boston cop, McCarthy, to take down a ruthless drug lord.
McCarthy, from TV, became a movie star after her breakthrough performance in Bridesmaids. She is funnier in this movie than she was in Identity Bullock is perfectly cast as the straight cop and has great chemistry with McCarthy. I laughed HARD throughout the entire movie.
This is the first movie I have seen in months where the trailer didn’t reveal the entire movie. See this movie before you see all the other Tentpoles. There will be a Heat 2.

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