Sunday, November 23, 2008


Good looking film, good looking people.
I liked it. I did not read the books and I don’t like vampire movies because I find them boring.
I got caught up in the hype and went to see this the first weekend. There were multiple kids in the theater between the ages of 5 and 8 years old. Why?
The movie starts off very slow however the lead unknown actress, Kristen Stewart who plays Bella Swan, keeps you interested in the story. I later find that she was Jodie Foster’s daughter in “Panic Room”.
The cinematographer gives the film a clean, cold feel which was appropriate for the movie. Robert Pattinson does a solid job as Edward Cullen. His chiseled look had me thinking that he looked like one of the Thunderbird puppets from the 1965 television show, or for an earlier reference a puppet from Team America USA.
He may be the next James Dean, jury is still out.
Peter Fancinelli finally is in a movie that shows off his acting chops. He sucked in McG’s weak ass Miami Vice ripoff television show called “Fastlane” a few years ago. Cam Gigandet is not given much here. Check out “Never Back Down” to see how bad he can be.
Verdict: Good movie. Kristen Stewart is the one to watch.

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