Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard

This is truly a Jeremy Piven vehicle. In this movie Jeremy gets to use his negotiator shtick which he has crafted over the years.
The story is about a used car liquidator Don Ready who is hired by a flailing auto dealership to turn their Fourth of July sale into a majorly profitable event.
The movie is in the same vein as Talladega Nights, Walk Hard, etc.
James Brolin and Vhing Rhames star in the movie and they just collected a paycheck because the writing is very weak.
Will Ferrell makes a surprise appearance (are we surprised anymore at this point) and his persona is fading fast. He is bringing back memories of when he was up and coming and starring in stinkers such as A Night at the Roxbury. He also produced The Goods so beware.
During the week I saw this movie HBO was playing 1993 Judgement Night in which Piven stars and does his same negotiating shtick to Dennis Leary on top of a roof.

Verdict: You may think you know what you are getting when you go to see this but it is a B- movie. Piven gets thrown off the roof in Judgement Night by Dennis Leary, that’s how good his negotiating skills are in this movie. Watch Entourage and save your money.

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