Sunday, November 21, 2010

Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer

This documentary is an in-depth look at former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, including interviews with the scandalized, former politician.
I first saw Client 9 in a hotel room while traveling on business. The movie started off slowly so I started to multi task while watching it out of the corner of my eye. As the movie progressed I became totally engrossed with Eliot Spitzer’s story. I didn’t know much about him prior to his scandal but based on this movie he came off a righteous nerd. He made his mission early in his career as a DA to go after shady billionaires on Wall St. Having been raised with a golden spoon in his mouth and zero street smarts Eliott didn’t realize the ramifications of creating powerful enemies and how to defend himself when they decide to come after him. Alex Gibney, director of the well crafted documentary, Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, does an excellent job covering both sides of the story. It’s amazing that he was able to get the interviews from players on both sides. The only one missing was Spitzer’s wife.

Must see documentary that will definitely be nominated for an Oscar. Spitzer has his demons similar to Bill Clinton but I learned a lot about Spitzer and I ended up liking the guy.

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