Thursday, May 19, 2011


Back in the day the Marvel comic book character Thor was never considered as cool as Spiderman, Hulk, and the Fantastic Four. Thor talked funny, carried a Hammer, and was not from earth. Newcomer Chris Hemsworth as Thor does an excellent job of embracing the character and making the audience enjoy his adventure.
The movie begins when Thor is cast out of Asgard (his home) and sent to live amongst humans on Earth, where he soon becomes one of their defenders.
Natalie Portman plays the love interest but it's more of a lust interest because there is not enough time to develop their interest in each other.
Anthony Hopkins as Thor's father is excellent and gives a great performance.
I highly recommend the 3D version so that you can see the awesome special effects of Asgard which takes up the first 50 minutes of the movie.
Actor Kenneth Branagh directed this film with a good sense of what people want to see in Superhero movies: great special effects, a story you can follow, and as much action sprinkled in between but not to the point where the action is senseless ie: Transformers 2.

Worth seeing for the special effects and the performances.

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