Wednesday, October 12, 2011


How do you pitch an action movie? You take a teen idol with great abs, Taylor Lautner, and surround him with "A" List supporting actors. How does it turn out bad? The teen idol, can't act, his love interest, played by Lily Taylor, is not interesting, and the story is weak.
The movie is a thriller centered on a young man, Lautner, who sets out to uncover the truth about his life after finding his baby photo on a missing persons website.
Director John Singleton, from Boys in the Hood fame, could have at least given Lautner eye drops between takes so that it would not appear that he can't cry in the scenes he is suppose to.
ALfred Molina, Sigourney Weaver, & Maria Bello do the best they can with the story but the film still does not take off.

One of the worst action films of 2011.

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