Monday, February 13, 2012

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace 3D

Yes George Lucas got my money and I want to warn everyone that this is NOT true 3D.

Think of when they decided to Colorize popular Black and White movies. It didn't work and the only true 3D you will see in this movie is the credits at the end. If you don't believe me then take your 3D glasses that you have at home (from not returning at the end of a movie) go see another movie and then sneak in to see the 3D effects of this movie. During my showing many people did this and walked out disappointed.

The other problem with seeing this on the big screen again is that the 1999 Special Effects seem dated already. After seeing the Effects on the Transformer series and Avatar the Effects on this movie seem stale.


The only reason to see this movie is if your kids have never seen it on the big screen and / or if you have never seen it on the big screen. If you have then save your time and money and remember that Lucas plans to re release the remaining Star Wars films in 3D.

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