Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Master

The word on the street is that this movie is suppose to be the film about Scientology but isn’t. The story is about a Naval veteran who arrives home from war unsettled and uncertain of his future until he is tantalized by The Cause and its leader played by Philip Seymour Hoffman. What this movie is really about is alcoholism plain and simple. Joaquin Phoenix plays a man that tries to reestablish himself after the war but has became an alcoholic from his past issues and the war.  We learn about this via his relationship with The Master who tries to cure him. The movie is very slow and is not for everybody but if you are a fan of Director Paul Thomas Anderson films (There Will Be Blood, Boogie Nights, and Punch Drunk Love with Adam Sandler which I was one of the few people that liked it) you will enjoy the scenes of two great actors in their prime. This in my opinion is what Director Anderson does best which is bringing out the best performances from his actors.
Joaquin Phoenix does an amazing job of transforming himself into this tortured soul. Take Ray Milland’s drunk in the Lost Weekend, and Nicholas Cage’s alcoholism in Leaving Las Vegas and you have (2) Oscar winners. We may have to add Phoenix even though Philip Seymour Hoffman as The Master gives an Oscar Worthy performance as well.

See with someone who loves great acting. Who do you think does the better job of acting in this movie?

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