I waited for months to see what the hype was about this movie only to discover it’s another Summer Bomb of 2013. Brad Pitt plays a United Nations employee who is involved in a race against time to stop the Zombie pandemic that is toppling armies and governments, and threatening to destroy humanity itself.
How Brad Pitt is chosen to be the one is not clear because his past is not revealed. Mireille Enos from the cable series The Killing plays Brad’s wife and her talents are wasted in this movie. It seems as if most of her best scenes were cut out of the flick.
The fast moving zombies are cool but that’s about it. Most of the flick reminds me of 28 Days Later, which is a better film. So as viewers you are not invested in Brad’s family because we don’t really get to know them. This leads to almost zero intensity. Speaking of intensity Brad just is not cut out to be an action star at this point in his career. You can clearly see that he is not invested compared to Andrew Lincoln in The Walking Dead.
Skip it. It’s not the Blockbuster I
expected. Even Brad Pitt fans will be disappointed. So far Iron Man 3 has been
the best summer popcorn movie of 2013.
I hope another flick comes out that is
more entertaining but there are only so many weeks left.