Monday, December 29, 2008

Bedtime Stories

As with all comics that get older, Adam Sandler is making a transition. Richard Pryor, & Eddie Murphy have shown how a blazing hot comic can sell out later in their career and make horrid out of touch movies ie: Pryor’s “See no Evil, Hear No Evil” & “Critical Condition” Murphy has shown this as well with his string of flops, the latest being “Meet Dave” Sandler has a formula, frat boy comedy utilizing 80’s hits and his same crew of comics in every movie. It has worked and every movie he has made with this formula has made $100+ million. He is now making a Disney movie?!? (sell-out?) There is a young beauty that is the center of attention however Sandler’s getting older and his off kilt character does not work well here. This is a children’s movie yet kids under 5 years old will not be able to follow the movie. Bedtime Stories will make $100 million but don’t expect an Adam Sandler movie.

Verdict: With “Zohan” and his poorly produced “The House Bunny” it looks like Sandler is heading down the “not cool anymore” road of Eddie Murphy. He’s very rich but he should go out and do stand up and find out what’s funny. This movie is not.

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