Its hard to view Fair Game and see it as a starring role for Naomi Watts when Sean Penn takes over the movie.
This is a true story about a female CIA agent Valerie Plane, played by Naomi Watts,
who is revealed by White House officials allegedly out to discredit her husband, Joe Wilson, played by Sean Penn, after he wrote a 2003 New York Times op-ed piece saying that the Bush administration had manipulated intelligence about weapons of mass destruction to justify the invasion of Iraq.
If you didn't follow this story when it took place you will have to pay close attention to what is going on otherwise you will be lost in what is happenning on screen.
I will be surprised if Naomi gets a nomination from this because she was able to hold her own with Penn in the movie 21 Grams. In this movie the audience just waits to see what Penn will do next. You become more intrigued with the charcter of her husband, who was out of work while his wife went on Secret Missions.
The movie was directed by Doug Liman who did Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Don't confuse this movie with the Billy Baldwin and Cindy Crawford stinker with the same name that came out in the 90's. In fact don't even try to rent that movie because you will not be able to get through it. See this film for Penn’s performance.
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