Friday, December 24, 2010


I didn't think that this movie was going to be any better than a classic movie called Runaway Train with Eric Roberts. Nor did I think action maestro Tony Scott and Denzel Washington could improve on their last train movie The Taking of The Pelham. I was wrong on both counts. Unstoppable is a solid movie with performances and action that you expect from action movies but never get. The movie is based on a true story about an unmanned, half-mile-long freight train that ends up barreling toward a city. Denzel Washington plays a veteran engineer that tries to stop the train with Chris Pine, (Capt. Kirk from Star Trek) who plays a young conductor.
As always Director Scott makes you care about the characters while he keeps the action going.
The only improvement would have been to give Denzel's daughters more depth.

A hit movie that has been overlooked by everyone including myself. This movie must be seen on the big screen.

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