Saturday, July 7, 2012


100 years ago Oliver Stone did the screenplay for the remake of the Paul Muni movie Scarface with Al Pacino and scored a long loved classic hit. Lately Stone has been grasping to become relevant again. His sequel to Wall Street was enormously disappointing, and his movie “W.” about George Bush was utter rubbish. Now Stone rips a page from the outstanding hit cable show “Breaking Bad” and trys to connect with a younger audience by having young dealers who market premium weed rather than premium Crystal Meth. In the movie these Pot growers face off against the Mexican drug cartel who kidnapped their shared girlfriend. Blake Lively from Gossip Girls plays the shared, airhead girlfriend. Her acting still is bad (see The Town) but Stone lets her narrate throughout the entire movie and her voice is annoying! Taylor Kitsch again stars in another bad movie ( don’t go see Battlefield, John Carter, and lets not forget his bathroom scene in Snakes on A Plane) why is this guy still making movies?? He says he’s tough in this movie, he talks the talk, but he’s not in enough action scenes for the audience to believe his character. The only bright spot in the movie is from 2 veteran actors, John Travolta (without his wig) & Benicio Del Toro. They are mesmerizing whenever they are on screen and they clearly are better actors than Taylor and Lively. There is one great scene with Travolta and Del Toro where you see the old Oliver Stone magic but it’s not worth sitting through the rest of this mess.

Watch Breaking Bad if you want to see how drug dealers go up against the Mexican drug cartel. Breaking Bad’s version is believable.

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