Monday, March 29, 2010

Our Family Wedding

This is a remake of Guess Who's Coming To Dinner with a twist. In this movie a black man is marrying a Latino instead of a white woman. Oscar winner Forrest Whitaker and Carlos Mencia play the fathers. The story is not as relevant today. Does anyone really care? America Ferrera plays the love interest. I have never watched her television show Ugly Betty and I am glad I didn't because I was not impressed with her acting abilities. Taye Diggs, Charley Murphy, and Warren Sapp have cameo roles with zero effect. Whitaker does the best he can with the material but I was hugely disappointed with Carlos Mencia. I am a fan of his stand up comedy and I was waiting to for him to have me in tears however I found myself talking to the screen with the rest of the very small audience.

Verdict: Go only if your significant other wants to see it and then bring an Iphone to twitt about the 2 hrs. of pain you are in.

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